Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Graphic Organizer: Literature Review

Learning about literature reviews, I utilized these resources provided by Dr. Weaver:

To help clarify my understanding of literature reviews, I have used Cacoo to create a graphic organizer. Click on the image below to view the Cacoo page.

lit review

I have certainly gained a better understanding of the structure and process of a literature review. I wish that I had known all of this when I wrote a literature review in my first semester in the program last Fall.

I believe that one of my biggest challenges will be keeping my own opinions out of the paper. I know that this portion of my dissertation is all about the literature and, while I must synthesize what I have read, it is not time for me to make judgements. I must limit myself to the content of the works and their connections (or lack thereof) to each other and the topic I've selected.

Another challenge I anticipate will be the management of notes. My tendency is to hang on to a resource and make it fit the topic rather than keeping an impartial view of the material and let it go if it doesn't apply. You see, my interests are varied and so I like to keep reading articles if they are interesting whether they relate to the topic of the paper or not. If I am to remain sane through these next two years, that must change!

FYI - I have recently chosen EndNote as my reference manager and am gaining a greater level of comfort with the program daily.

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